Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Summer and ciggies

Summer's finally come to Noumea!  It's hot and surprisingly non-smoky.  Why the lack of smoke?  With the arrival of summer came the departure of cigarettes.   The 'Regie du Tabac', the government department that buys the cigarettes for New Caledonia and then sells them on to the shops (taking some money for tax on the way) is on strike.  All over town the shelves in the tabacs are empty and there are signs outside bemoaning the lack of ciggies.  Maybe this, and the fact you can no longer buy booze after 4pm on Friday and Saturday is the explanation for the crazy 5pm driving... Or maybe it's just the heat.   I've been chuckling at the face of the odd tourist in the supermarket who tries to buy beer - and is refused;  and then tries to buy ciggies - and there are none...Qu'est ce qui ce passe dans ce pays qui est 'presque' la France?  

Good job we don't smoke.  Now - time for a swim!

1 comment:

Nicky said...

One local tobacco shop owner received a limited supply on Saturday and was permitted to sell one packet per customer. He said that it was 'la folie' with people pushing and shoving get some, and quote: 'I had the impression that I was a drug dealer' -hmmmmm

Tobacco patche sales are also up.