Saturday, 31 January 2009

Leon's dead...

A headline in the local paper the other day read that 'Leon has joined the big fishy heaven in the sky'.  And I read it, gasped and said - Oh no! People have been visiting the aquarium and leaving flowers and cards.  Leon almost seems to have a little bit of a Diana quality to him.  It's not every fish that can generate this type of reaction!

Leon was a star attraction at Noumea's aquarium.  He lived in the biggest tank - which is huge and like a giant wall of glass with lots of fish behind it - and he cruised around, watching the people watching him.  He was a napoleon fish and Max was a little bit scared of him because he was sooooo huge.  He was 21 years old and had lived most of his life in the aquarium... Apparently he was great mates with the divers who came into the big tank - cruising in for pats and recognising the different divers.  I hope the fishy heaven is good to him.  We will miss him alot.

Check out the pics here.  Type leon into the search engine and you can see him in all his splendour....

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